Press Releases
Zencore Biologics Receives BIC Awards for "Top 10 Most Trusted Biopharmaceutical CXO Partners

BIC Awards

Based on relevant data, reveal that the scale of China's biopharmaceutical market has grown from 387 billion RMB in 2020 to 575.97 billion RMB in 2022. Despite intense international competition, China's biopharmaceutical industry is still in its early stages but holds significant growth potential. In recent years, policies and funding have increasingly focused on providing more support to companies or products with innovative potential.

To promote the accelerated development of the industry and encourage innovative collaboration among companies in the industry's upstream and downstream sectors, the BIC 2023 Organizing Committee, in conjunction with multiple media outlets and industry associations, has launched the "BIC Awards for Asian Biopharmaceutical Innovation Industry Contribution." The awards recognize outstanding suppliers of bioprocess technology, technology services and outsourcing providers, as well as investment institutions or investors within the biopharmaceutical field. Zencore Biologics has been honored with the "Top 10 Most Trusted Biopharmaceutical CXO Partners" award. This accolade reflects our strong commitment to excellence and collaborative partnerships in the biopharmaceutical industry.

1016-01.pngImage source: Chujie Bio

Most trusted biopharmaceutical CXO partner

banner-cxo排名.pngImage source: Chujie Bio

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